Rafiki Terry Davis Academy
The Rafiki Academy opened up in January 2012 in what was formerly known as the Newark Rotary Trade School. This is the first step in the process to bring education in-house for the children. We currently have pre-school and Classes 1 and 2 with excellent teachers in place. The business plan calls for each class to hold approximately 20-25 students. One third to be Rafiki children DSCN2546-2_optand two thirds to come from the community. This goal was set so that the Rafiki kids are not isolated from the community. In addition, those community parents who were paying school fees to the local primary school are now paying them to Rafiki instead. With that income, the school will be a major profit center for Rafiki. The plan calls for adding one class each year.
The academy has competent
professionals (Teachers) Registered by
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya. The academy registered its first Kenya
Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E) in the year 2014 and since then it has continued to
perform well in national exams
Rafiki is reaching out to those even less fortunate who live around them. With the farm being so productive, we have been able to totally provide for all the food, milk, and water for the orphans and staff. But we are aware that “Street Kids” abound in the area with little or none of the support that bless the orphans at Rafiki. So we began a feeding program for the street kids a couple of years ago. A related plan quickly emerged to give each of the core group a small loan if they produced a plan to use the money to create a business. Boys have opted for businesses such as shoe shining, and the girls are planning on putting together a green grocer market to supply vegetables to the community.
Rariki Chapel
The new Rafiki Chapel and Visitors Center were completed this month and have now become a reality. The dedication and first worship service was held on Saturday, February 19th, 2022. Reverend John Nganga celebrated his 60th birthday with the first of many worship services in the newly built Chapel
When God gave me the vision to
start Rafiki. It was my desire to build
a chapel in Campus to address the
spiritual needs of the Rafikj
Chapel Plan
Community. By the grace of God,
Rafiki Rotary Club members and
many of their friends have made this
dream a reality. This will allow the
Music Program to be developed to
higher standard. Members of the
Chapel Ongoing Construction
community will be invited to come and hire the facility for various events. I thank God for His
provision. (Rev. Dr. John Nganga)
Rafiki High School
Transform the
helpless state of children by providing the best
in life”, the Rafiki Global Foundation looks
forward in establishing a high
school by the year 2025. This
project will help transform the Proposed Girls High School
helpless state of children to a Two classes Plan
better life. After our beneficiaries sit for their primary exams RAM takes this
pupils to different high schools in our nation.With our own high schools, our
Rafiki beneficiaireis will be assured of primary and high school education
High School
without any struggle under one umbrella of Rafiki Global Foundation.